On the day FIND Portland ended back in June, we said our good-byes and I hopped in my car and drove out to Astoria to visit my sister and grandma. Along the way I paused at my favorite patch of beach in Fort Stevens State Park to sit atop a sand dune, walk, and just breathe after an extremely full week. I was drained and photoed out, but I hesitantly placed my Hasselblad in my bag just in case something caught my eye.
I was perched atop my dune scribbling a few lines when a man came flying down the beach, swooped right over my head, turned in the sky hollering something down my way that was carried away to the east by the wind whipping off the sea instead of to my ears, and went whooshing right back down the beach. I hurriedly grabbed my Hasselblad and loaded my film as quickly as possible–which isn’t very quick–and caught a frame of him before he disappeared down the shore. It turned out I had a few frames left in me after that photography-filled week and it was refreshing after such a full week to quietly and slowly make a handful of frames of one of my favorite places.
Prints can be ordered HERE.