As I said in the last post, we laughed–a lot–on this trip. Between me almost dying from inhaling my water and choking on it to Mike’s analysis of why I don’t have a boyfriend, we laughed. So my sister and I were going back through the trip recounting things that had happened and were cracking...
Ah, this all makes me laugh! When are we going back? We had too much fun.
Oh, good times. I look quite strange in that one where you and Sarah are all cute. Hopefully we can go visit again sometime soon…
…. *pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop*
Ahh – wish Krystina and I could’ve been there. Looks like you guys had too much fun for your own good :-) Head back again sometime when we’re out, eh?
You are priceless! You have a genuine gift of bringing out the best in people — and not only in their pictures! But certainly in pictures as well. (Though, I wonder, who’s that old guy in the pictures next to my wife? I am MUCH younger than that old codger….)
We’re looking forward to seeing the whole family again — and possibly you, a lot more often, if you end up at Trinity. (No pressure….)
I am continually amazed at your ability to capture the fun, beauty and silliness of people. I laughed and smiled through this whole post. The memories will live on not only in my mind but in these photos which tell the story of the love and laughter of family and friends. Amazing!